First Presbyterian Church
Children's Ministry
Youth Club
Wonderful Wednesdays
5:30-7:30 PM
during the school year
For a few hours each week during the school year, children and youth will have the opportunity to participate in recreation, bible study, music/worship, and the family dinner hour. Each part is led by different members of the congregation who have been called by God because they love God, love kids, and have gifts to share. Each evening there is a lot of laughter, learning, and relationship building in the name of God.
Youth Club provides an opportunity to explore one’s identity in a Christian environment. Pastors and other congregational leaders can become friends as well as counselors, teachers, elders, and other inspiring members of the church and community. The program is a valuable tool for family involvement and renewal, as parents and other members of the church are drawn into active participation.
All children ages pre-k through 8th grade are welcome to join in on the fun!
Creation Classes are provided for children in the 4th -5th grade during our Wonderful Wednesday evening ministry… Youth Club. The curriculum used promotes a biblical perspective of the world with a heavy emphasis on apologetics, theology dealing with the defense and proof of Christianity and Biblical truths.
The creation room provides a multifaceted learning environment for congregation members of all ages, with verbal and visual reinforcements to the truths of God’s word. As we discuss Biblical history the students can look around the room and see it represented with art work.
Each piece of art represents a biblical event. In class, we teach the students that there are 7 C’s of history: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe (the flood), Confusion (tower of Babel), Christ, Cross and Consummation (Christ’s return).
Cherub’s Choir
Preschool Aged children are encouraged to participate in this children’s ministry during Youth Club to learn songs and praise God in their special way. They perform several times a year in our worship service.
Children’s Choir
During Youth Club on Wednesday nights, students in grades K-5th will participate in choir as one part of their worship. They perform a Christmas play for the congregation each year as well as singing several times a year during worship.
Children’s Worship Services
The Children’s Worship Center for children ages 4-7 years old and Way of the Child for children ages 8-11 years old.
In the Children’s Worship Center, students are read a story from the bible and then given opportunities to retell the story themselves using different play mediums of their choice. Students are taught to think deeper into the story, share their feelings about it with each other, and then rejoice over a snack together.
Infant & Toddler Nursery
Provided during the 10:55 AM worship for infants from birth to 3 years old by volunteers from the congregation.
King’s Kids
King’s Kids is a summer program for children that meets each Wednesday. This past summer the focus was on water stories in the Bible: Jonah and the Whale, Jesus walking on water, Noah and the Flood and Jesus’ baptism. Each Wednesday, the group has bible story time, crafts, music, snack and recreation. Please contact the church office for more information.
Youth Ministry
Middle School Connection
Our Middle School Ministry includes students in grades 6-8. These students meet every Sunday at 5:30 PM for bible study, dinner, and fellowship. This group also takes several trips each year including a spiritual retreat.
PYC (Pres. Youth Connection)
Our Senior High School Ministry includes students in grades 9-12. These students meet every Sunday at 5:30 PM for bible study, dinner and fellowship. Each summer the group travels on a mission trip to serve those in need.
Music Ministry
Music Department
The Music department consists of the Adult Chancel Choir, Children’s Choir, and the Cherub Choir for the younger voices in the congregation.
Join Us
The Chancel Choir practices on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM and welcomes all those who wish to sing God’s praises.
Adult Ministry
Companions in Christ
You go to Sunday School. You read the Bible. How, though do you approach it? Companions in Christ is an 8-week small group experience in personal spiritual formation and growth. Groups are led by Rev. Dr. Bill Lowe. Contact the church for dates and times.
Pastor’s Bible Study
Groups meet on Mondays evenings and Thursday mornings. Led by Rev. Dr. Bill Lowe. Contact the church for dates and topics.
Faithful Followers Bible Study
This group includes young adult members and visitors in their 20’s. This group meets every Wednesday during the school year on Wonderful Wednesdays for bible study, fun, fellowship and food. Contact the church office for more information.
Friendship Club
Our Friendship Club includes members and visitors age 55+. This group meets every month September thru May for fun, fellowship and food. Contact the church office for more information.
Presbyterian Pilgrimage
Many members have taken part in this personal spiritual retreat. Pilgrimages take place approximately four times per year. Contact the church office for more information.
Presbyterian Women
All Presbyterian women are members of this group and welcome to join a circle. This group serves the members of this church and the community in many ways including Bereavement Committees. Circle of Hope meets Wednesdays at 2:00 PM. Circle of Faith meets Mondays at 7:00 PM.
Presbyterian Men
All Presbyterian Men are members of this group and welcome to attend any and all meetings. This group supports the members of this church in various ways. Their main purpose is to strengthen their relationship to Jesus Christ, develop their understanding of the mission of the Church, and to further the kingdom of God and glorify His son and our Savior. They meet every 3rd Tuesday evening in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM for food, fellowship and an informative speaker.